Monday, October 26, 2009

Move SPXU Stop to Breakeven

Just in the few minutes since my last post, the market has fallen further with explosive velocity. My perspective is that this is probably a game changer and the trend will continue down (maybe significantly from here, or as a secondary possibility this could be a mini capitulation before a move to new highs.

In the first case I wouldn't expect the stop to be hit, so there's no reason not to put it in. In the second, I would expect it to get hit and have to re-evaluate if there is a good reason to re-enter soon after.

If your entry was 41.00 or less on the current SPXU trade, then modify your GTC sell stop to breakeven.

1 comment:

  1. As a heads up I may post a new trade on EUO today as the UUP ETF and dollar index are close to breaking out of a falling wedge just above major support.
