Sunday, October 17, 2010

Changes to Blog Layout

I am going to make some changes to the blog layout this week and also to the trading strategies. It was my original intention to continue with the current format throughout the end of the year, but for several reasons and feedback from readers, I am going to make the changes now.

Basically I am going to return to posting only trades on the stock indexes. And I will only have one trade going at a time. In think this will help to regain a high level of focus which has waned with following several different markets.

Basically the goal will be to outperform the S&P 500 compared to buy and hold. I will not post trade % allocations unless specified, just simply the trades and then track the performance on a cumulative basis. The individual reader needs to be responsible for money management strategies and diversification if desired. I will just focus on the trades and high quality set-ups.

I will still put educational material on the blog about other markets at times, but most content will be focused on short to intermediate term trades and set-ups on the stock indexes. All currently open trades will still be tracked until exit.

Your feedback or comments are welcome. I am willing to iron out some details of the format/layout over the course of the next few weeks dependent on feedback.

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